In the last HP1-magazine in 2010, we have already highlighted the decisions of the topic Modulelektrik.
Now we only need one decision: How are modules and Boosters connected? Which plug-in system should we use?
We have the choice between:
- The plugs that go from the boosters to the modules may be compatible with the 230-V Sockets. They are standardised in some way so that all boosters always fit all module-feeds. The advantage is that all elements always fit together.
- The plugs that go from the boosters to the modules may only have plugs that are incompatible with the 230-V plug boxes, but which you use here is up to you.
We have decided on the second version. The reason for this decision are as follows:
- In FREMO we use many different Boosters. Some are home-made, but many are purchased. If anything is modified in the purchased Booster, one can forget the warranty. We want to prevent this. In addition, not all members have the necessary knowledge to make such a conversion.
- Most station owners will bring their own booster and ensure that they match the module-feeds. Here there is no need for a standardisation.
- We assume that in the coming years, a particular type of connectors will evolve in FREMO. This process, we will await and will not force the pace of development.
The above mentioned determinations enter into force on 1 January 2011 so that all FREMO-Members have sufficient time to perform the necessary conversions.
Thus, the necessary determinations to issue "Modulelektrik" has been taken. The decisions made by the board will be included in the specifications for meeting participants (Pflichtenheft für Treffenteilnehmer) and in the Guide for meeting organisers (Leitfaden für Treffenorganisatoren).
Uwe Hoffmann listed on this theme the following graphic, which shows things simply and clearly. We appreciate his contribution.
Transformer and Booster (1)
Booster on the ground
- Cable reels, conductor rails and transformer must be on the floor
- Cable connections between the Transformer <--> Booster <--> Track must be designed so that no connection between 230 V electrical outlets and the track can be made.